“Question” is mentioned in the M.F.K.R. booklet liner notes, as one of the things, the band wanted Sean McMahon to remember, but what was it?
It had quotations around it in the booklet, implying that it's a title for something, could be an unrecorded song, or maybe it's the title of the audio track (the sounds of industrial tools) between “Killers Are Quiet” and “Dogfish Rising”(?) On discogs that audio is listed as a separate track, and it's titled “(Untitled)”, so maybe that could be “Question”.
Gage Crahan's Unknown Band
Not much is known about this project, just that they recorded a song called "Sad Things" in 2013, but it's never been released. The members were, Gage Crahan (vocals), Aj Venteicher (guitar), and Todd (drums).
Statement from Shawn about his sons project:
Crowz Story
Dark it was so dark and chilly around late November I think… It was late November. Anyway i was walking home from whatever the hell it was that I was doing that evening, I had no car as a matter of fact, I still have no car. But what im trying to say is I rounded the corner that leads to my pad I took maybe five steps and came to a complete halt.
The entire street appeared to be alive writhing around in sinewy shadow like from the trees as well i noticed that whatever they were noticed me too because they all stopped making the noise they were making and turned their eyes collectively at me. My blood went to ice and i thought about turning around and running. I stood there facing the mass there must have been a couple hundred thousand of th…